Tibia (10-Feb-2013) Memory offsets locations

Tibia (10-Feb-2013) Memory offsets locations

I found most of them using Cheat Engine (http://cheatengine.org/), i might post a tutorial on how to do this later.

I found most of them using Cheat Engine (http://cheatengine.org/)

Off-Train: 3B6Ee4
Max Mana: 3B6EF4 (XOR)
Exp: 3B6F00
Level: 3B6F2C (3B6F00+44)
Soul: 3B6F30 (3B6F00+48)
Magic Lv: 3B6F34 (3B6F00+52)
% to next Magic Lv: 3B6F3C (3B6F00+60)
Target: 3B6F40 (current target id)
Mana: 3B6F44 (3B6F00+68)

Fist Skill (%): 3B6F4C (3B6F00+76)
Club Skill (%): 3B6F50 (3B6F00+80)
Sword Skill (%): 3B6F54 (3B6F00+84)
Axe Skill (%): 3B6F58 (3B6F00+88)
Dist Skill (%): 3B6F5C (3B6F00+92)
Shield Skill (%): 3B6F60 (3B6F00+96)
Fish Skill (%): 3B6F64 (3B6F00+100)

Stamina (minutes): 3B6F78 (3B6F00+120)

Chase Monster: 3BE690
Stance Flag:   3C0AC0
Connected:     3C0CF8 (0 = loged-out, 9=logginin, 6=dont-know, 10=loged-in)

CharListPtr:     549CE8 (???)
CharList Index:    549D34

HP: 54C000 (XOR)
Cap: 583E94
HP: 583E9C (XOR)
XPos: 583EA8
YPos: 583EAC
ZPos: 583EB0

Fist Skill (lvl): 583E78 (583E70+8)
Club Skill (lvl): 583E7C (583E70+12)
Sword Skill (lvl): 583E80 (583E70+16)
Axe Skill (lvl): 583E84 (583E70+20)
Distance Skill (lvl): 583E88 (583E70+24)
Shield Skill (lvl): 583E8C (583E70+28)
Fish Skill (lvl): 583E90 (583E70+32)

Outfit: 54C1C8 (54C000+456)
Hair Color: 54C1CC (54C000+460)
Shirt Color: 54C1D0 (54C000+464)
Pants Color: 54C1D4 (54C000+468)
Shoe Color: 54C1D8 (54C000+472)
Outfit Deco: 54C1DC (54C000+476)
Mount: 54C1E0 (54C000+480)

Life Bar (%): 54C1F4 (54C000+500)
Walk Speed: 54C1F8 (54C000+504)

Battle List:
maxCreatures: = 0x5B5; // 0xFA;
creatureDataSize: = 0xB0;
battleListStartL: = 0x549CF8; //0x54C848;
battleListEndL: = battleListStartL + (maxCreatures * creatureData);

//These offsets are from the start of a BattleList item not the base address.
ID = x + 0
Name = x + 4
pos.ZPos = x + 36
pos.YPos = x + 40
pos.XPos = x + 44
WalkDir1 = x + 56
YMove = x + 68
XMove = x + 72
TileWalkSpeed = x + 76
IsWalking = x + 80
WalkDir2 = x + 84
HP = x + 140

Couldn’t have done it with out the help of the guys at:

About ResQue

I am a new guy to Linux and the OpenSource world. Through this blog i will be writing down my day to day questions, problems and solutions to general computer issuse i come across. Hopfully helping some of you along the way
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